Pflugerville Texas homes benefit greatly wearing our solar window screens.
Our Pflugerville TX solar screens will help your vinyl windows stay much cooler. Considerably cooler. Vinyl windows are very energy efficient, but they do not block the sun. Nor, do they provide shade for the glass. Our solar screen Pflugerville TX installation services will provide shade for your vinyl windows. By shading the glass of your vinyl windows with solar screens, the vinyl windows stay considerably cooler.
All new construction homes in Pflugerville TX are without shade trees. Older homes generally have established trees that provide shade. With sooooo much construction of new homes in Pflugerville. New homes wearing vinyl windows. All the new homes in Pflugerville have vinyl windows! New home builders for new construction homes for the Pflugerville Texas area ALL use vinyl windows. Builders in the area NO longer use metal (aluminum) windows.
Fear not, we know how to install our solar screens on to vinyl windows. We are the areas expert with years of experience.
Pflugerville land developers will clear land by leveling down all the trees. They do this to make way for roads, piping, utilities
Block the sun before it gets through the glass of the vinyl windows.
Before the sun bakes and heats up the windows. The heat from the sun will make the glass get super hot. By shading the glass with solar window screens, the glass WILL NOT get hot.
This Pflugerville Texas homeowner chose to only put the solar screens on the back of their home. To not put the solar window screens on the rest of the windows. Not the windows for the front, left or right sides.

Because this is the back of the home we used our 90% solar screen fabric. We suggest to people that they use our 90% sun control fabric for West facing windows that get four hours of sun or more. For those windows that get pounded by the sun. Those windows should get the 90% solar shade fabric. For the rest of the
Installing solar screens on Pflugerville TX Vinyl windows.
Vinyl windows do not have window screen tracks. Window screen tracks are used to hold windows screens. These tracks would traditionally be on the top and bottom of the vinyl window. When there are window tracks, a spring-loaded window screen can be used.
For the vinyl windows in Pflugerville Texas. For the new construction homes in this area. None of them have full-sized window screen tracks. No vinyl windows as of to date for this area have tracks for full-sized window screens. Because of this, we simply screw the windows to the vinyl window frame. As shown below. It’s really simple, not complicated.

Worries about installing solar screens on vinyl windows.
I hear very often from people saying they do not want screens screwed into their vinyl windows. That’s just nonsense to me. Sorry for being so direct, but in my mind, that’s silly thinking. I guess that silly thinking to me is because I know what I am doing. It’s me, not someone that is careless. I am someone that has an extensive carpentry experience. Someone that has built plenty of furniture. Remodeled homes. Flipped homes in the area. I would never drive a long screw into the framing. And, I know exactly where to drive the screw through. Where to put the screw. How to put the screw into the window. I know how ALL the vinyl windows in our are drain. Drain for water. So I know how to put the screws in. Simply put, I know what I am doing.
Understanding how vinyl windows work and operate.
But even if I did not. People need to understand how the windows work. All the vinyl windows used for Pflugerville TX new construction homes have water drain holes. If you dissected the windows as I have, you will see how they drain. So, one could drill a full inch diameter hole in the window without drainage problems.
I personally can not see any issue installing solar screens on to vinyl windows using the methods I do.
Do solar screens for vinyl windows fit over the entire window?
The goal of sun protection is to shade the entire window. To provide shade for all of the window. So, yes, the a solar window screen fits over the entire window.
A bug window screen will only fit into the opening portion of the window. For the bottom opening part of the window.

A solar window screen is for providing shade for the entire window. For covering the entire window. Not just the opening portion of the window.
Using a darker frame color for the sun shade window screens.
Look at the pictures above. That installation was made using a champagne framed sun screen. However, the window framing is white. We could have used white for our solar screen framing. But the customer wanted to try something different, So, the customer had me make the screen using champagne framing. It looks beautiful. This Solar Screen Pflugerville TX project looks beautiful!